Wednesday, 26 August 2015

My top 5 parenting fails - the first year

  1. Not discovering lanolin until day 6 of breast feeding
  2. Brushing some toast crumbs out of the folds in Erin's neck (I hadn’t eaten toast for 3 days)
  3. Removing a dirty nappy only to realise there are no clean ones left. Would you A.) put dirty one back on (it was a pooh) and head for the shop  B.) wrap baby in cotton wool, towel, cling film and head for the shop. I choose B.
  4. Erin walking out of a friends kitchen eating a handful of cat food.
  5. Not sending thank you cards for Erin’s first birthday gifts (I had no idea this was the done thing, I had obviously thanked everyone verbally)

What were yours?

Erin eatting soil at 7 months, more of a learning experience than a parenting fail

Monday, 24 August 2015

BC (before child) / AC (after child)

Things I used to day dream about BC:
  • Jake Gyllenhal
  • travelling the world
  • new shoes
  • various exciting career paths
  • starting my own business 
  • playing drums in a band
  • winning the lottery
Things I now day dream about AC:
  • getting a dishwasher (wouldn’t that be amazing!) 
  • getting a cleaner (wouldn’t that be amazing!)
  • having a nanny (wouldn’t that be amazing!) 
  • waking up at 10am
  • spa days
  • having a personal shopper
  • winning the lottery
How do your BC/AC day dreams differ?

6 times in 1 day! That is my washing up record since having Erin and being around the house much more - resulting in my dishwasher day dreams!

Wednesday, 12 August 2015

I just did a Triathlon! Yes a Triathlon!

Two days ago I did a triathlon – yes a triathlon! Instead of embarking on the usual health kick on returning from a cake fuelled, over indulgent week in The Lake District I signed up to take part in a triathlon – WHAT?! That was 7 weeks ago. OK, ok its not so bad, I’m a good ish swimmer and cycle to work 10km there and 10km back 3 times a week so I wasn't starting from scratch so to speak.  I however couldn’t run to the post box at the end of the road when I started. The run luckily was the last bit and only 2.5km, which my partner told me was easy and after doing some regular runs I  felt  more confident. What I was most scared of was the race factor, I hadn't  heard the words ‘’on your marks - get set – GO!’’  since school sports day.

On your marks!

Why oh why I hear you say. Well, first I needed motivation; without any holidays planned I needed a date in the future that would make me go out and run, swim, cycle regularly to get in shape. Secondly, if I was to have a second child next year it would be great to be as fit as I was the first time round so, fingers crossed, my pregnancy would be as easy. As I swim and cycle regularly I thought a triathlon would be the way to go. To add extra motivation to proceedings I set up a sponsorship page to raise some money for the MS society, which would make sure I didn't chicken out on the day, and after setting a target of £250 I raised £450!!

Get set!

Once signed up I realised there really was a lot more too worry about than just being fit enough. What if I get a flat tyre? How competitive is it – will I get cut up on my bike and elbowed out the way during the run? Will people be pulling at my ankles during the swim? (surely not) Which way do I go? What if I get lost! How do I get changed after the swim? Do I need one of those towels with elastic around the neck that you changed under as a kid on the beach? I’m going to need equipment -  a special flexible wetsuit, special googles, maybe a water bottle that clips to my bike. And a race belt – what is a race belt?

On receiving my race pack I realised there was a lot to remember on the day too – wrist tag, timing chip, transition zones, different entries and exits for each section. I have to have my number on my back for the ride and my front for the run – I hoped focusing on remembering everything would distract me from the pain. Stay on the left during the ride – be aware of people over taking on the right – sounds dangerous! Energy gels!? Wouldn't a snickers or some Kendal mint cake do! Do I really need to eat mid race? Wouldn't I get a stitch?

It’s been a steep learning curve and I’ve actually quite enjoyed training for it. Last week in a last minute panic I brought a tri-suit which is like a swimming costume with longer legs like cycle shorts attached. You wear this under your wetsuit and then when you take the wetsuit off you are ready to jump on the bike. The main draw for me was they are designed to be quick drying as I didn't like the idea of riding and then running around in soggy shorts and top (and bra and pants!) but it is quite light weight and a bit like donnings some trainers when in a swimming costume and going for a run in it – a bit naked and indecent! I wasn’t sure I wanted to subject anyone to that vision but once I got there most people were in them so I braved it! Training for the triathlon wasn’t really the weight loss plan I was hoping for as I was eating like a horse to get through it but perhaps now I'm made of solid muscle which weighs more than fat I heard :)


It was hard graft on the day, I’d done all the separate bits but not together and I had never practised transitioning from one section to the next. It was also 27 degrees plus having had diarrhoea 5 days before made me dehydrate quickly on the day. In the end I did it in 1 hr 2 minutes 39 seconds and came 45th out of the 235 women entered which I was really happy with! I'm really glad I done it and might even sign up again next year! Now I will reward myself with a week of sitting on the sofa eating ice cream.

Sunday, 2 August 2015

An only child?

(Follows on from 'Number 2?')

So potentially I could have an only child. This is considered, by some, as child abuse. Should I have another child even though it could reck and ravage my elderly frame with absolutely no ‘bounce’ back left and the hightened risks to the baby of conditions such as downs syndrome.  Then there's the practicalities like, we only have two bedrooms, a small house, not a lot of money left after the mortgage, bills and now nursery fees are paid. Is this all irrelevant in comparison to the need of Erin to have  a sibling? Would I be selfish not to provide this for her?

What if they just fight all the time and then don't get on as adults? I know a few only children who have really close relationships with their parents. Would I be hindering forging a close relationship with my daughter by spreading myself too thin by caring for two? I'm enjoying her so much at this wonderful age. We are really happy would having another jeopodise this?

Not forgetting I really don't know how people do it! I still stare at people with 2 plus children in wonderment. If they have 3 plus my jaw drops open and I stop in my tracks - are their kids easier to deal with? Do they not need as much sleep as me? Are they the nanny? Am I just not a natural at this?

My sister has two children and I watch them playing together and it is so nice for them and with two would selfishly mean less work for me in regards to playing! But my nephews also fight a lot and wind each other up which is a lot of work too. I had a flash the other day of Erin standing at the top of the stairs on Christmas day, aged 10, on her own looking so sad which made my chest ache.

Am I being totally self indulgent with this dilemma, maybe I wouldn’t be able to get pregnant again? I’m 35 my fertility is probably in a speedy decline.